Outstanding Leadership Awards 2020

Outstanding Leadership Awards Sponsorship

Tendered is a proud Australian business with a passionate, energetic, and knowledgeable team. As a result, we align strongly with the principles that define outstanding leadership and are avid followers of the work of Leadership HQ and the amazing team behind the scenes.

As expert tender writers, we work with companies on a daily basis to extract their narrative, key selling points, and differentiators.

Naturally, companies that are led by leaders with those qualities applauded by the Outstanding Leadership Awards maintain a clearer and more saleable narrative. 

Working closely with Sonia McDonald of McDonald Inc. (the host of the awards), has helped us to more closely define our understanding of leadership and how it relates to a company’s overall saleability.

It is easy, therefore, to understand why Tendered have decided to sponsor this years’ Outstanding Leadership Awards. We can’t wait to attend and applaud those who hold the unique qualities of an outstanding leader. 

For information on how to sponsor, nominate, or attend, visit the Outstanding Leadership Awards webpage here.